Do you know your high-net-worth personality?

One of the best ways to make smart decisions about your wealth is to work with professionals who are able to connect with you and relate to you. You want to surround yourself with experts who know you well enough to really “get” what you want your money to accomplish and why. In fact, we’ve […]

Five Ways Homeowners May Be Putting Their Wealth at Risk

Affluent families often pay close attention to their investable assets. But sometimes those same families overlook important financial safeguards for two of their largest assets: their house and the contents within it. The result: Some families could be needlessly putting a key component of their wealth and well-being at risk. Therefore, it makes sense for […]

What Are Your Biggest Financial Concerns?

It goes without saying that you play a crucial role in making the decisions that will determine whether you will achieve your financial dreams. That’s why it makes sense to have great clarity about the specific financial issues and concerns that are most important to you and the people you care about. Only then can […]

Foiling The Financial Fraudsters

Financial fraudsters are working overtime to target those of us with significant assets. Even worse: They’re having far more success at parting us from our wealth than you might imagine. The upshot: Just because you’re “good with money” or careful in who you deal with when it comes to finances doesn’t mean you won’t be […]

Three Signs That Your Professionals are Exceptional

As someone looking to make smart decisions about your money so you can live a life of significance, one of your biggest goals should be to ensure you’re getting value from your professionals—the wealth managers, lawyers, accountants and similar experts you rely on for guidance. This becomes especially true as your level of wealth grows […]